Team A - The Dispensary
Final Presentation Download
The Problem:
For people on medication, it can tend to be hard to remember to take their pills because as human beings, we have busy lives.
The Solution:
An Invention to address this problem would be: The Dispensary: A device, worn on the wrist that stores and dispenses medication, capable of reminding the user to take their medication at user-designated times. It would include both audible and physical methods to alert to user it is time to take his/her medication.
Invention Attributes:
Minimum Requirements:
- some sort of a reminder both audibly/visually/physically
- easily dispensable
- sturdy/strong/comfortable
- easy to use
- See quantity of pills
Secondary Goals:
- make it portable
- Able to fit under shirtsleeve
- Smallest power source possible
Reach Goals:
- we can make it usable by hearing/vision impaired (braille) individuals
- Mini Wrist Flask?
History and Context:
Design Ideas:
- Mock up:
- Living Hinges:
- Sensors: RTC
- Tools: Laser Cutter, 3D Printer
Subsystem Map:
- Structural/Mechanical: Michael
- Mechanical iris
- Spring
- lever
- Schematic
- Armband [Joel] {testing in progress}
- Living hinges (maybe fabric)
- Container [michael] {done}
- For Pills, Electronics
- Mechanical iris
- Electrical: Bao Truc
- Power(battery)
- Lithium Ion/other
- Recharging(reach)
- Container?
- 9V?
- Soldering
- Soldering Shield (wires and stuff)
- Microcontroller (Amazon Microcontroller)
- Number pad
- Size, Reset button
- Button
- (possibly)
- Speaker (the tiny one)
- Protoboard (breadboard)
- Power(battery)
- Programming: Philip
- LCD screen [philip] {not done}
- Time to take meds at the inputed time
- RTC(Alarm Clock With LCD)
- Yellow Blue LCD
- Speaker
- (What sounds are we going to program?)
- Microcontroller
- User interface
- LCD, Speaker Output
- Keypad/Joystick
- Code
BOM (Bill of Materials):
- Velcro
- Multiple shapes of pills for testing
- Plexiglass/acrylic/clear(window)
- Snap latch
- Birch Plywood
- Teensy INSTEAD of uno(too big)
- Sturdy Fabric
- RTC(real time clock)
- OLED Screen
- 9V Battery
- LiIon Battery Pack + Charger(Maybe)
Final Product:
It is a medication reminder that is portable and assists one in remembering when to take their medication on time wherever they are.
Our group was able to successfully code a program with an audible reminder that goes off at the user prescribed time and stop when a button next to it is pressed. A spacious box for medication is included in the device.