PCC Inventor Camp 2018 Archive

This Site serves as an archive of the 2018 Portland Community College Inventor Camp Workshop. This is not a regularly maintained site and information given here may be outdated / no longer accurate.

The objective of PCC Inventor Camp is to inspire, motivate, and educate students on fundamental inventor techniques and tools. Students will be introduced to Human-Centered Design, Prototyping, and Design Evaluation concepts.

Tool topics include: Arduino Microcontrollers and Programming, Circuits, Sensors & Actuators, Soldering, 3D Modeling and Printing, Lasercutting, and basic hand tool use.

In three short weeks, applying what they have learned, students will imagine, design, and prototype their very own invention. Despite the project-focus of the course, the ultimate goal of Inventor Camp is not to produce an end-product, but to introduce students to the invention process– of taking an idea and making it a reality.